
Thursday, September 26, 2013


Macho yote yalikuwa kwa Luis Suarez baada ya kurejea Liverpool kufuatia kumaliza adhabu yake ya mechi 10, lakini Javier Hernandez akaiteka shoo kwa bao lake pekee lililoipeleka Manchester United Raundi ya Nne ya Kombe la Ligi, maarufu kama Capital One.
Na wakati mshambuliaji huyo wa Uruguay alizomewa na mashabiki Uwanja wa Old Trafford, alikuwa ni Chicharito aliyepoza maumivu ya David Moyes kufuatia kipigo cha mabao 4-1 kutoka kwa wapinzani, Manchester City katika Ligi Kuu Jumapili.Liverpool ilitawala sehemu kubwa ya mchezo na Daniel Sturridge alipoteza nafasi kadhaa za kufunga.
Wayne Rooney, ambaye ndiye mchezaji bora zaidi kwa United hivi sasa, alipiga kona nzuri baada ya mapumziko na Hernandez akaunganisha nyavuni.
Sasa Man United watamenyana na Norwich nyumbani baada ya kuwatoa Liverpool kwa bao moja hilo la Chicharito.

Kikosi cha Manchester United kilikuwa: De Gea, Rafael Da Silva, Smalling, Evans, Buttner, Jones, Giggs, Nani, Rooney, Kagawa na Hernandez. 

Liverpool: Mignolet, Toure, Skrtel, Sakho, Jose Enrique, Gerrard, Lucas, Henderson, Suarez na Moses, Sturridge.  
Roar: Javier Hernandez celebrates after handing Manchester United the lead at Old Trafford
Javier Hernandez akishangilia baada ya kufunga bao pekee la Manchester United Uwanja wa Old TraffordCheck the technique: Hernandez leaps into the air as Wayne Rooney's corner found him free in the penalty area
 Hernandez akienda hewani kuunganisha kona ya Wayne Rooney
That's better: David Moyes celebrates Hernandez's goal after the misery of Sunday's derby defeat
David Moyes akishangilia bao la HernandezLook who's back: Luis Suarez looked happy to be in the Liverpool side again as he warmed up for the match
Luis Suarez akionekana mwenye furaha kuwa kikosini Liverpool tenaExchanging pleasantries: Suarez shakes hands with Wayne Rooney before the match
Suarez akipeana mkono na Wayne Rooney kabla ya mechiSaved: The Uruguay striker nearly got in on goal in the first half but was shut out by United keeper David De Gea
Suarez alikaribia kufunga kipindi cha kwanza, lakini kipa wa United, David De Gea akaokoaIn the action: Suarez gets a header in as United left back Alex Buttner watches on
Suarez akipiga kichwa huku beki wa kushoto wa United, Alex Buttner akimuangaliaOuch: United defender Phil Jones fouls Suarez with a crunching tackle
Beki wa United, Phil Jones akimchezea rafu SuarezNot enjoying the match, Roy? United legend Keane was in the stands watching the action
Gwiji wa United, Roy Keane alikuwa jukwaani akiangalia mechiFull blooded: Rooney shows his commitment in the tackle with Mamadou Sakho
Rooney akipambana na Mamadou Sakho