
Tuesday, January 14, 2014


H.E. President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete  announced his new cabinet yesterday,

it was highly anticipated that President Kikwete would reshuffle the cabinet after

appointing the former United Nations Deputy Secretary general

Dr Asha Rose Migiro as a member of Parliament in the Month of December 2013.

President Jakaya Kikwete on Tuesday, this week, nominated former United Nations Deputy Secretary General, Dr Asha-Rose Migiro, Member of Parliament.
And a section of the Tanzanian media, led by an authoritative Kiswahili weekly, Raia Mwema, was spot-on in linking the president’s move with his plans to reshuffle the cabinet.

Dr Migiro was the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation when her name was given by President Kikwete to the then newly elected United Nations Secretary General, Ban Kin Moon after the latter had requested for the name (preferably that of a woman) for appointing to the newly introduced UN post as a way of appreciating Tanzania’s sterling role in successfully campaigning for him for the top UN job.

President Jakaya Kikwete on Tuesday, this week, nominated former United Nations Deputy Secretary General, Dr Asha-Rose Migiro, Member of Parliament.
And a section of the Tanzanian media, led by an authoritative Kiswahili weekly, Raia Mwema, was spot-on in linking the president’s move with his plans to reshuffle the cabinet.

Dr Migiro was the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation when her name was given by President Kikwete to the then newly elected United Nations Secretary General, Ban Kin Moon after the latter had requested for the name (preferably that of a woman) for appointing to the newly introduced UN post as a way of appreciating Tanzania’s sterling role in successfully campaigning for him for the top UN job.

President Jakaya Kikwete on Tuesday, this week, nominated former United Nations Deputy Secretary General, Dr Asha-Rose Migiro, Member of Parliament.
And a section of the Tanzanian media, led by an authoritative Kiswahili weekly, Raia Mwema, was spot-on in linking the president’s move with his plans to reshuffle the cabinet.

Dr Migiro was the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation when her name was given by President Kikwete to the then newly elected United Nations Secretary General, Ban Kin Moon after the latter had requested for the name (preferably that of a woman) for appointing to the newly introduced UN post as a way of appreciating Tanzania’s sterling role in successfully campaigning for him for the top UN job.

President Jakaya Kikwete on Tuesday, this week, nominated former United Nations Deputy Secretary General, Dr Asha-Rose Migiro, Member of Parliament.
And a section of the Tanzanian media, led by an authoritative Kiswahili weekly, Raia Mwema, was spot-on in linking the president’s move with his plans to reshuffle the cabinet.

Dr Migiro was the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation when her name was given by President Kikwete to the then newly elected United Nations Secretary General, Ban Kin Moon after the latter had requested for the name (preferably that of a woman) for appointing to the newly introduced UN post as a way of appreciating Tanzania’s sterling role in successfully campaigning for him for the top UN job.

The incumbent Foreign affairs minister Hon. Bernard Membe and  Prof. Muhongo both  hold on to

their currentis portfolios of foreign affais and international cooperal and minerals respecticely.

Hon. January Makamba has been made a full minister after being a deputy in several ministries.

The list that we have received  seems to have some new faces and a few old ones

with some deputies being made full ministers after clearly demonstrating their capacities.

The President appears have mave made some bold moves by appointing new young

ministers like Hon. Makamba but he has also kept the voices of experience with safe

hands like Membe, Sitta and Magufulid to maintain the continuity.

January Makamba...Agriculture food and cooperatives

Dr Asha Rose Migiro...East Africa

Sanwel Sitta...Defence

Harrison Mwakyembe...Tamisemi

Deo Filikunjombe.....Transport

Abdallah Kigoda....Finance and Economy

Prof. Kabudi.....Education

Prof. Mark Mwandosya...Public Services Management

Aggrey Mwanri...Works

Dr. Magufuli....Natural Resources and Tourism

Dr. Charles Muhangwa Kitwanga....Livestock and fisheries

Dr. John Tizeba.....Home Affairs

Dr. Mary Nagu...Business and industries

Prof. Maghembe....Water

Prof. Sospeter Muhongo....Energy and Minerals

Bernard Membe...Foreign Affairs

Prof Anna Tibaijuka....Lands, Housing and Human Setllements

Prof. pius P Mbawala....Science and technology